On Being A Sower

On Being A Sower

20/8/2023 On Being A Sower by James Middleton https://www.austincovechurch.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/3.-On-Being-a-Sower.m4a Series – Sent Speaker James Middleton   Bible Reading Matt 13:1-23       Related Episodes The Barren Fig Tree...
On Being A Sower

People of Peace

13/8/2023 People of Peace by James Middleton https://www.austincovechurch.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/2.-People-of-peace.m4a Series – Sent Speaker James Middleton   Bible Reading Luke 10:1-12       Related Episodes The Barren Fig Tree...
On Being A Sower

Being an Ambassador

6/8/2023 Being An Ambassador by James Middleton https://www.austincovechurch.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1.-Being-an-ambassador.m4a Series – Sent Speaker James Middleton       Related Episodes The Barren Fig Tree Sep 4, 20233/9/2023 The...