
Our Mission:

Journeying with people
towards Jesus

Our heart is to meet people where  they are in their journey, in both life and faith, and then, step by step, we walk with them towards Jesus.

Our Vision Story:

Between now and 2030 we will advance the Kingdom of God by engaging people throughout the Shire of Murray, the broader Peel region and to the ends of the earth, encouraging them to encounter God in transformative ways and equipping them to be sent as devoted followers of Jesus into the world.

Our Pathway 

While we recognise that no two people’s journey is the same, we see three broad steps that everyone takes somewhere along the journey. These steps help to frame how we approach everything that we do.


Helping people move from being completely uninterested in faith towards being willing to connect and start spiritually seeking.


People having a transformational experience with God and moving from spiritually seeking to growing.


People being equipped to be sent out into a world in need and repeat the process with others.


Connect & Invite

We’ve adopted the B.L.E.S.S. principle to help us engage people outside the church.




> Invite people into your life
> Invite people into a faith environment
> Invite people to explore Jesus’ story


Transformational Relationships & Transformational Environments

The only thing that really changes people is a transformational encounter with God. Though we cannot make these happen, we believe they can be fostered through the right relationships and environments. We focus on doing what we can do and we trust God to do what only He can do. There are three main focuses for this:

Regular Bible Reading

The Bible is still a key way that God reveals  himself to people. We encourage and aim to  equip our people to regularly read the Bible.

Weekly Gathering

We gather together as a whole Church, as
much as possible, every Sunday. We have a mix of activities, from worship through to other community building events.

Regular Life Group

We encourage everyone to be in a smaller group of people who are sharing life together, daring to live out the teachings of Jesus  together and caring for one another. 

Our Life Groups follow the principle of Share > Dare > Care

Share: What’s really going on in your life?
Dare: Explore and then dare to live out the teachings of Jesus.
Care: Group members are commited to caring and pray for one another.


For everyday life & everyday faith

Ephesians 2:8-10

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

We believe Jesus’ chief task for His church is to make disciples, that’s just people who are whole-heartedly committed to becoming the people God made us to be.

Coaching & Mentoring:

We partner people with others just a little further along the journey to help them learn and grow in the ways of Jesus.

ACCC Equip:

We offer training programs such as Reading The Bible For All It Is Worth, Sharing Your Faith And Testimony, Exploring Spiritual Disciplines, Discovering Spiritual Gifts, Understanding Baptism, Partnering With ACCC.

Leadership Development:

We help those with leadership gifting learn and grow to use these within the Church and beyond.

Beyond ACCC

At Austin Cove we’ve decided we want to achieve more by doing less. Rather than supporting a vast array of external organisations, we have chosen 5 external agencies to invest with in substantial ways to make a greater impact in a few key areas.

The Austin Cove Way Commitment  2024

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You only need to provide them if you’d like a copy of your answers sent to you.

ENGAGE - Helping people move from being completely uninterested in faith towards being willing to connect and start spiritually seeking

ENCOUNTER - Seeing people have a transformational experience with God and moving from spiritually seeking to growing in faith.

EQUIP - People being equipped to be sent out into a world in need and repeat the process with others. CHECK THE COURSES BELOW YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN

BEYOND ACCC - At Austin Cove we've chosen to do more by doing less. As a church we support 6 key mission partners.

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